Bodhidharma from Tamil Nadu is among those who are credited with discovering tea in far away China, where he traveled 2,500 years ago. It is Buddhist monks who taught people the benefits of tea and took it to Tibet, Japan and other South Asian cultures. The Singphos of Arunachal harvested tea from tree tops on elephant-back many centuries ago. Robert Bruce wrote all about tea in a book in the 1830s and began the first commercial cultivation of tea in India with the help of Diwan Maniram. It is Indian tea that helped the English break the Chinese monopoly on tea. It is the same Indian tea that caused a tax revolt in Boston harbour, leading to an independent USA. In the book, Life in a Cuppa, curated by Kakoli G, a connoisseur herself, experts like Sanjeev Kapoor, Sanjay Khosla, Piyush Pandey, Chandrajit Banerjee ...tell us the tea story of India and how special it is through tales of twining, tasting and trade.
Kakoli G, the co-founder of a speciality tea venture, Teamonk, is an ardent tea enthusiast. Having travelled to far flung tea plantations across the country , she certainly has an edge when it comes to knowing her brew. She likes to pen her thoughts on anything that catches her fancy. Be it tea, travel or tales from far-flung shores. A kaleidoscope of memories and learnings gleaned from her interactions with a large spectrum of society have found expression in her writings. She has also authored two contemporary fiction novels, The Ambrosial Hour and Devi and the Enchantress.
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