The epics say, in the great war of Ramayana, a number of Rakshasas escaped. They hid in the bowels of the Earth, in the water and in space and remained dormant for eons. In the 20th century of the Christian era, however, some of them reappeared in different forms to plague the Earth with wars and illnesses. At the end of his war with Ravana, Rama had asked Hanuman to raise and train a contingent of warriors who would take birth multiple times on Earth, to contain the demons. Aishani and Adheesh are two such warriors, blessed with divine weapons and powers to fight the world’s evils at present times. Read this exciting story to know who finally wins. The Good or the Evil? The Demons of Jaitraya is the first book of the trilogy of the war between demons and humans.
Educationist Shubira Prasad takes a keen interest in the human psyche and believes that we all have some demonic qualities which have to be contained in order to bring out the best in us. She is also an avid follower of the Indian epics, providing new interpretations for the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita. She feels that mythological stories are true happenings and demonic forces resurface on this earth periodically, to be restrained by incarnation of the deities who too reappear intermittently to sustain and protect the Earth.
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