About the Book
The Rai Bahadurs of Rasulabad are an old aristocratic family that has seen better days. Rahul, the scion of the family and a brilliant lawyer, is bitter about the rapid decline of his family's social standing in a world where everyone is taking the short cut to success. He is at the centre of a corruption scandal in the judiciary and it is hard to believe that he has been framed by a spurned lover. Sita, an abandoned child brought up by the Rai Bahadurs, discovers that she is an heiress. But when the mystery of her mother's identity is revealed it brings Rasulabad to the edge of a communal conflagration. She was groomed to be Rahul's wife one day. Can her hero worship of Rahul withstand his legal travails and her changed circumstances?
Shahnaz has the world at her feet but wants more from life than high society can give. Will her growing involvement with community work at Rasulabad bring her closer to Rahul and displace Sita? The novel depicts the jet set lives of high society, precariously perched on a foundation of eroding values and growing social tensions. In the middle of this tumult is a simple love story of a boy who thought he wanted power and had no time for love; and a girl who had the world at her feet but gives it all up to follow her dreams.
About the Author
Pandey Surendra Prasad has been a senior corporate executive with the Tatas, a close political aide of the late Prime Minister, Shri Chandrashekhar, and an entrepreneur who has lately found his true calling in pampering his grandchildren. He is the author of On in Four, India's first golf novel. Although the revelations in the book about the fads and foibles of that curious species called golfers, of which he is a card holding member, threatened to excommunicate him from the select circle forever, he still finds solace in the soothing company of his faithful four-ball. The Illusion of Honour is his attempt to prove to his family that there is more to his life than the swinging of clubs and the telling of tall tales about golfers.
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