From fraudulent forensic reports to dodgy Parliament replies, our Government has resorted to an array of dark maneuvers to block the truth about SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE’s fate. Now, powered by years of unrelenting research, CHANDRACHUR GHOSE and ANUJ DHAR bring you the cold truth. The man who freed India was alive long after his reported death, a victim of cruel circumstances. Here are the heartbreaking facts Government would not like you to know.
Chandrachur Ghose is a former business strategy consultant, and a writer on economics, environment, history and politics, having graduated from Visva Bharati and University of Sussex.
Anuj Dhar is the author of the bestseller “India’s Biggest Cover-up”, which triggered the movement seeking declassification of the Netaji files and inspired hit web series “Bose: Dead/Alive”. His book on the mysterious death of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, “Your Prime Minister is Dead”, is a chart topper too.
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