The Bharathi I Knew is M.K. Yadhugiri Ammal’s fond recollection of her growing up years in Puducherry in the turbulent days of the Indian freedom struggle when “Mahakavi” Bharathi opted to live in exile in French Pondicherry during the years 1912-1918. She had spent most of her time then with Bharathiyar’s family, an integral part of her extended family, enjoying the love and tutelage of the poet. The book captures the young Yadhugiri’s excitement about Bharathiyar’s poetry and enthusiasm for his progressive views on social reform. It presents twin perspectives—of Yadhugiri as a child and as an adult forty years later. Her adult perspective gives Bharathiyar’s recalled words a special significance; and discovers in his life, a special message for humanity.
Subash Jeyan has a Ph.D in Tolkien and fantasy literature from CIEFL (currently EFLU), Hyderabad, and is a writer and editor, previously at The Hindu Literary Review/Sunday Magazine and presently at Frontline. He is also a birder, a long-distance endurance cyclist, a randonneur, a marathoner, and lives in Palakkad, Kerala.
Premila Paul taught English Literature in the American College, Madurai for three decades and is currently the Director of SCILET (The Study Centre for Indian Literature in English and Translation) there. She taught Indian Literature and Women’s Literature in the US for three years, and has published two books and several articles on these subjects.
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