How have Parvati and Lakshmi's myths dominated mainstream cinematic plots for over five decades? Why do Kali and the Matrkas figure so often in horror films? Who is the most enduring manifestation of Saraswati in Bollywood cinema? How is the female cop almost always the Durga archetype? How do Claire Underwood of the House of Cards and Olivia Pope of Scandal make such convincing Lakshmis? These are a few of the many questions this book raises and answers. This book is for every reader who loves films and all those who take an interest in mythology. It dwells on Indian goddess archetypes which reveal themselves through their many myths and suggests how these archetypes can be worked with for more empowering projections of women in the media. It traces the goddess in human form and her many manifestations and tales in contemporary cinema and television web series.
Shyaonti Talwar is an academician, writer and columnist. An Assistant Professor of English her areas of research interest include gender studies, women's writing, myths, archetypes and cultural studies.
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