The region above the Arctic Circle accounts for only about six per cent of the Earth’s surface area, but holds nearly one-fifth of the world’s recoverable oil and natural gas. The book, Resource Wars: Mapping Global Greed, tells the fascinating story of global competition for the Earth’s natural resources, even in the remotest corners of the world. Broadly cataloguing the resources available to mankind on this planet, the book also notes how technology for their extraction is a key determinant of winners and losers among nations fighting for oil, uranium, even the sun, sea and sand. Within its jackets, the book brings to its readers a comprehensive global overview of Earth’s assets and a perspective on the fatal exploitation that is creating an irreparable ecological imbalance.
Award-winning author Bane Singh was associated with the world’s largest environmental endeavour, the National Mission for Clean Ganga aimed at rejuvenating this holy river. Having worked with the Rajasthan State Water Resources Department for over two decades, he brings all his environmental expertise to discuss the global race for the world’s resources, in his latest book, Resource Wars: Mapping Global Greed. He is the author of three earlier books on ecology and holds MTech and PGD degrees on his subject of interest. He now works as a Project Management Consultant with several Indian and multinational companies.
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