Humans are living longer and becoming more intelligent. A sharp rise in the rates of mental illness, e.g. depression, and incidences of suicide, indicate we don’t seem to be becoming happier, or any wiser, with time. Many young intelligent people, in their pursuit of knowing everything, lose the core objective of living the life itself. Alarmingly, many fall in love with artificial intelligence and live in a virtual world. Thanks to the internet and the social media, the actual face-to-face inter-human interaction is dwindling at a considerable rate.
This book is about life and particularly targeted towards young adults, who: • Suffer from unhappiness; are disposed to mental depression, or have suicidal tendencies; • Believe in atheism or scientism, and challenge the existence of God and religions; • Are addicted to, or are suffering from the ill-effects of over-reliance on the artificial intelligence, internet and social media; or • Are trying to seek answers to the age-old core questions, such as, “What is this world all about? Why I am here? What is the purpose of my life?”
This book is based on scientific studies and thoughts from various philosophers. It also presents the author’s views on the God concept, the validity of religions and the myth of love. It gives useful tips on how parents can harden up and desensitise young people against stress so they can face life’s challenges without buckling under; importance of socialisation and how to socialise; why one must be unselfish and live to a greater purpose of one’s choice for being happy; and the benefits of meditation and physical exercise for one’s mental health."
"The author is a professional engineer, writer and editor. He has written two other books - 22 Years - A Kashmir Story, which contains his memoirs about his life in Kashmir, and and Issues White-anting India, which summarises a number of prevailing ground issues in India as seen from his eyes. The author is a current Fellow and Chartered Professional Engineer Australia. He is also an APEC Engineer and an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management. As an engineering consultant, he has more than three decades of international work experience, having worked on numerous engineering projects across the globe. He lives in Perth, Australia with his family. His interests include philosophy, spirituality, nature, music, cricket and long – distance running.".
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