DESCRIPTION: "This book is designed to help students in acquiring knowledge and gaining skills to meet the health needs of women during the period of pregnancy, labour and puerperium. It will acquaint the students with different gynaecological disorders and diseases and will equip them with the necessary skills for providing nursing care to women suffering from these disorders and diseases. A thorough perusal of this book will enable the student to: • Describe the health needs of women in pregnancy, labour and puerperium • Identify deviation(s) from normal pregnancy and take appropriate action • Demonstrate skills in providing antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care to the mother as well as care to the new born • List different gynaecological problems and demonstrate skills in providing nursing care to women suffering from these disorders and diseases"
Professor and Principal,
Billroth college of Nursing
Principal, Apollo College of Nursing
Principal, ganga College of Nursing
Assistant Professor in Maternity Nursing, College of Nursing
Reader in Nursing,
Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences
Principal, College of Nursing
Professor, College of Nursing,
Christian Medical college,
Profession and Principal, Billroth College of Nursing,
Principal, Vignesh Nursing College,
Rani Meyyammai College of Nursing
Professor, Christian Medical College
Principal, Christian College of Nursing
Professor and Principal
Chettinad College of Nursing
Professor and Principal Sri Gokulam College of Nursing
Reader in Nursing Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research
Professor, Rani Meyyammai College of Nursing Anna Malai University
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